Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring In 2 Action Challenge: Week 1

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans is holding a new weightloss/fitnnes challenge beginning Wednesday, March 2nd {Yes I'm a day late} and ending Wednesday, April 13th.  That's a total of 6 weeks!

This month everyone should have a  friend.  I've teamed up with Karen from Turn My Life Around.  We know each other from the blogging and it turns out that we both want to get back in shape, so I'm happy to be teaming up with her.

For my part I've been dealing with the ups and downs of my weight for years.  When I started college back in 1998 I weighed 123 lbs and today I weigh 209.8 lbs.  I blame it on my unstable relationship with the gym, random bad eating choices and never addressing the issue of having gained a little weight.  It all started with: "Darn it, I gained 5 pounds during Christmas break....ahhhh it's just 5 pounds, what harm can that do.  Fast forward almost 13 years  and I wish I had dealt with the issue at the moment.  Add to that a 50 lb pregnancy weight gain and a car accident that left me immobile for quite some time and there you have my 209.8 lbs.

 I'm 5'6" tall and have a more or less a medium build so I know I'll never be stick thin nor would I want to be that way.  I just want to be able to run after my son without losing my breath, I want strengthen my lower body so I can walk like I used to before my car accident in 2009 and be able to wear high heels, look good in my skinny jeans again, and just be overall healthy so I can be with my family for as long as GOD will allow me.

To make all this happen I'm aiming to hit the gym at least 5 times a week and do a minimum 1 hour of cardio.  I'm also adopting a vegan style diet, where I am eliminating red meats, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and I'm limiting yogurt, cheeses and vegetable oils to an extreme minimum.  This all came due to a book I'm reviewing called 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart, which promotes a healthier lifestyle through a plant based diet. 

I'll also be doing the 100 Push-Up Challenge.  For my initial fit test I did 10 push-ups, which I guess isn't bad, but I am so aiming to be able to do the 100 b the end of the 6 weeks.

Good luck to all of those you out there also looking to get back in shape and be overall healthy!


  1. That book sounds really good. I was following a vegan, raw diet several years ago, before I got remarried, and I felt so good. Salad every day. Fresh juiced carrot juice and barley juice from a powder obtained from this place called hallelujah acres. It just got too expensive to stay on it. Now I have gone back to the meat and i don't know if I can go vegan again.
    I just reviewed the Alpine Weight Loss Secrets book and had a giveaway over at Tots and Me recently. I like what the author had to say in that book too. So many different ideas.
    I won't be participating in the push up challenge. I couldn't even do one last night and now I have just had minor surgery to remove a cyst from my neck so I won't be able to do it for a while. I am looking forward to seeing how you do. I have always had week arms, but they are getting stronger with the exercises I am doing, so maybe later on I will try this.
    Looking forward to this challenge.

  2. I've spent the last 15 years THINKING about weight loss, while gaining with every thought!

    Let's MOVE the weight off our bodies!

    Best wishes!
